Ann Brosseau

Ann Brosseau

Ann Brosseau

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A professional coach and master of adult education with over 30 years’ experience, it was only recently that Ann discovered her passion for watercolour in all its forms. Combining her newfound passion with her extensive professional skills, Ann leads painting workshops for beginners, both individually and in small groups – either for the simple pleasure of creating, or as part of a team-building session, a coaching session or a personal or professional development workshop. Ann has over 60 works on permanent display at Maison Annëken, her home in Dunvegan ON.

Artist Statement

For me, becoming an artist was more something that happened to me, rather than something I chose. It was a “happy accident”, an expression often used to describe the beauty of certain aspects of a work that were not foreseen and could have been considered “mistakes”. Beauty in imperfection is something that resonates a lot with me! I’m convinced that anyone can paint in watercolour, with enthusiasm and a minimum of guidance. I also decided that I wanted to make my own work accessible to everyone, because I don’t think you should o be rich to be able to adopt an original work of art that moves you and brings you pleasure. Visit my website to view my work and find out about activities. In all transparency, costs are indicated.

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